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2020-04-11 | 编辑: | 【打印 】【 关闭


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  2000/09 2004/06,安徽师范大学,生命科学学院,学士  

  2004/09 2009/06,中国科学院华南植物园,博士  

  2009/08 2015/08,中国科学院华南植物园,生态及环境科学研究中心,助理研究员  

  2015/09 至今,中国科学院华南植物园,生态及环境科学研究中心,副研究员  

  2010/09 2010/12,美国田纳西州立大学,生物科学系,访问学者,合作导师:惠大丰副教授  






         Scientific ReportsLand Degradation & Development,植物生态学报等期刊的审稿人 





  1)  Wang J, Ren H, Yang L, Li DY. Soil seed banks in four 22-year-old plantations in South China: Implications for restoration. Forest Ecology and Management, 2009, 258: 2000-2006  

  2)  Wang J, Ren H, Yang L, Duan WJ. Establishment and early growth of introduced indigenous tree species in typical plantations and shrubland in South China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2009, 258: 1293-1300  

  3)  Wang J, Li DY, Ren H, Yang L. Seed supply and the regeneration potential for plantations and shrubland in southern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2010, 259: 2390-2398  

  4)  Wang J, Ren H, Yang L, Li D. Factors influencing establishment by direct seeding of indigenous tree species in typical plantations and shrubland in South China. New Forests, 2011, 42:19-33  

  5)  Wang J, Hui D, Ren H*, Liu Z, Yang L. Effects of understory vegetation and litter on plant nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), N:P ratio and their relationships with growth rate of indigenous seedlings in subtropical plantations. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(12), e84130.  

  6)  Wang J, Ren H, Yang L, Liu N. Seedling morphological characteristics and seasonal growth of indigenous tree species transplanted into four plantations in South China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2013, 9: 203-212.  

  7)  Yang L, Wang J (共同第一作者), Huang Y, Hui D, Wen M. Effects of the interception of litterfall by the understory on carbon cycling in Eucalyptus plantations of South China. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(6): e100464.  

  8)  Wang J, Huang L, Ren H, Sun Z, Guo Q. Regenerative potential and functional composition of soil seed banks in remnant evergreen broad-leaved forests under urbanization in South China. Community Ecology, 2015, 16: 86-94.  

  9)  Ren H, Wang J (共同第一作者), Liu H, Yuan L, Xu Y, Zhang Q, Yu H, Luo J. 2016. Conservation introduction resulted in similar reproductive success of Camellia changii compared with augmentation. Plant Ecology, 217: 219-228.  

  10) Chen Y, Sayer EJ, Li Z, Mo Q, Li Y, Ding Y, Wang J, Lu X, Tang J, Wang F. 2016. Nutrient limitation of woody debris decomposition in a tropical forest: Contrasting effects of N and P addition. Functional Ecology, 30: 295-304.  

  11) 任海, 王俊, 陆宏芳. 2014. 恢复生态学的理论与研究进展. 生态学报, 34(15): 4117-4124.  

  12) 汪越,刘楠,任海,邵玲,陈雄伟,陈刚,王俊(通讯作者). 2015. 紫背天葵(Begonia fimbristipula Hance)叶片形态和生理生态特征对不同光强的响应. 生态环境学报,24(6): 957-964.

  中国科学院海岛与海岸带生态修复工程实验室 版权所有 备案号:粤ICP备05004664号
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