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        刘楠,博士,男,研究员,硕士生导师。1999-2003年,东北林业大学,生命科学学院,生物学,理学学士2003-2007年,中国科学院华南植物园/中国科学院研究生院,植物学,理学博士2007年至今,中国科学院华南植物园,助理研究员/副研究员2008-2009年,美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona),博士后研究助理(Postdoctoral Research Associate2013年,美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥校区(University of Illinois at Chicago),访问学者(Visiting scholar从事南亚热带森林群落恢复/衰退过程中,群落优势种对环境因子的生理生态响应机制研究,探讨了南亚热带森林群落动态变化规律和调控机理,为其恢复重建提供理论指导。已发表论文50余篇,其中SCI论文31篇。主持国际项目1项,国家级项目3项,省部级项目2项。2014年入选首届“广东特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才,2015年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会。作为主要完成人获得广东省科学技术一等奖、广东省环境保护科学技术一等奖和中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文奖。














     1. Nan Liu, et al. Schima superba outperforms other tree species by changing foliar chemical composition and shortening construction payback time when facilitated by shrubs, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 19855

     2. Nan Liu, et al. Antioxidant enzymes regulate reactive oxygen species during pod elongation in Pisum sativum and Brassica chinensis, PLoS ONE, 2014, 9: e87588  

     3. Nan Liu, et al. Canopy size dependent facilitations from the native shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa to the early establishment of native trees Castanopsis fissa and Syzygium hancei in tropical China, Restoration Ecology, 2014, 22: 509-516  

     4. Nan Liu, et al. Reactive oxygen species and relative enzyme activities in the development of aerial roots of Chinese banyan (Ficus microcarpa), Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2014, 33:160-168

     5. Nan Liu, et al. Alterations of chemical composition, construction cost and payback time in needles of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana L.) trees grown under pollution, Journal of Plant Research, 2014, 127: 491-501  

     6. Nan Liu, et al. Testing the stress-gradient hypothesis during the restoration of tropical degraded land using the shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa as a nurse plant, Restoration Ecology, 2013, 21: 578-584  

     7. Nan Liu, et al. Reactive oxygen species and alternative respiration in the developing flowers of two subtropical woody plant, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, 32: 83-91  

     8. Nan Liu, et al. Resource-use efficiencies of three indigenous tree species planted in resource islands created by shrubs: implications for reforestation of subtropical degraded shrublands, Plant Ecology, 2012, 213: 1177-1185

     9. Nan Liu, et al. Temporal alterations in interactions between native tree species and a dominant shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa: implications for reforestation in subtropical degraded shrubland, Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2012, 24: 455-464

    10. Nan Liu, et al. Linkages between woody plant proliferation dynamics and plant physiological traits in southwestern North America, Journal of Plant Ecology, 2012, 5: 407-416  

    11. Nan Liu, et al. Metal (Pb, Cd, and Cu)-induced reactive oxygen species accumulations in aerial root cells of the Chinese banyan (Ficus microcarpa), Ecotoxicology, 2012, 21: 2004-2011  

    12. Nan Liu, et al. Lead and cadmium induced alterations of cellular functions in leaves of Alocasia macrorrhiza L.Schott, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2010, 73: 1238-1245  

  中国科学院海岛与海岸带生态修复工程实验室 版权所有 备案号:粤ICP备05004664号
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联系电话:020-37252585 邮件:liunan@scbg.ac.cn