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5、Lu HP, Zhuang P, Li ZA*, Tai YP, Zou B, Li YW, McBride MB. Contrasting effects of silicates on cadmium uptake by three dicotyledonous crops grown in contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014,21(16): 9921-9930. DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-2947-z
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11、Li NY, Fu QL, Zhuang P, Guo B, Zou B, Li ZA*. Agricultural technologies for enhancing the phytoremediation of cadmium contaminated soil by Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. Water Air Soil Pollution. 224:1673. 2013.
12、Zhuang P, Li ZA*, McBride MB, Zou B. Health risk assessment for consumption of fish originating from ponds near Dabaoshan mine, South China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.20(8): 5844-5854. 2013.
13、Ding P, Zhuang P, Li ZA, Xia HP. Accumulation and detoxification of cadmium by larvae of Prodenialitura (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) feeding on Cd-enriched amaranth leaves. Chemosphere. 91(1):28-34. 2013.
14、Zhuang P, Li ZA*, Wang G, Zou B. Concentration of heavy metals in fish from a mine-affected area and potential health risk. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 22(8a): 2402-2408. 2013.
15、Zhuang P, Zou B, Li NY, Li ZA*. Heavy metal contamination in soil and soybean near the Dabaoshan mine, South China. Pedosphere. 23(3): 298-304. 2013.
16、Tai YP, Lu HP, Li ZA*, Zhuang P, Zou B, Xia HP. Purification of contaminated paddy fields by clean water irrigation over two decades. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 35(5): 657-666. 2013.
17、Tai, Yiping; McBride, Murray B.; Li, Zhian. Evaluating specificity of sequential extraction for chemical forms of lead in artificially-contaminated and field-contaminated soils. TALANTA. 107: 183-188. 2013
18、Liu Y, Zhuang P, Li ZA*, Zou B. Cadmium accumulation in maize monoculture and intercropping with six legume species. ActaAgriculturaeScandinavica, Section B - Plant and Soil Science. 63:4, 376-382. 2013.
19、Liu Y, Zhuang P, Li ZA*, Zou B. Effects of fertilizer and intercropping on cadmium uptake by maize.Chemistry and Ecology. 29(6): 489-500. 2013.
20、Faming Wang, Jin Liu, Bi Zou, Deborah A. Neher, Weixing Zhu, Zhian Li*, 2013 Species-dependent responses of soil microbial community composition and respiration to fresh leaf inputs in subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2014. 7(1):86-98. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtt016.
21、Wang FM, Zhu WX, Zou B, Deborah A. Neher, Fu SL, Xia HP, Li ZA*. Seedling growth and soil nutrient availability in exotic and native tree species: implications for afforestation in southern China. Plant and Soil. 364 (1-2):207-218. 2013.
22、Wang FM, Zou B, Li HF, Li ZA* The effect of understory removal on microclimate and soil properties in two subtropical lumber plantations. Journal of Forest Research. 19 (1), 238-243. 2014. (DOI) 10.1007/s10310-013-0395-0. 2013.
23、Wang FM, Li J, Zou B, Xu X, Li ZA*, Effect of prescribed fire on soil properties and N transformation in two vegetation types in South China, Environmental Management, 51: 1164-1173. 2013.
24、Wang FM, Xu X, Zou B, Guo ZH, Li ZA* and Zhu WX. Biomass Accumulation and Carbon Sequestration in Four Different Aged Casuarina equisetifolia Coastal Shelterbelt Plantations in South China Plos ONE. 8(10): e77449. 2013.
25、Li NY, Fu QL, Zhuang P, Guo B, Zou B, Li ZA*. Effect of fertilizers on Cd uptake of Amaranthus hypochondriacus, a high biomass, fast growing and easily cultivated potential Cd hyperaccumulator. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2012,14(2): 162-173. 2012.
26、Li NY, Li ZA, Fu QL, Zhuang P, Guo B. The use of NTA and organic acid phytoextraction of Cadmium by Amaranth hypochondriacus. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 21(7a): 1879-1884. 2012.
27、Tan WN, Li ZA*, Qiu J, Zou B, Li NY, Zhuang P, Wang G. Lime and Phosphate Could Reduce Cadmium Uptake by Five Vegetables Commonly Grown in South China. Pedosphere 21(2):223-229. 2011.
28、Zhang XF, Xia HP, Li ZA, Zhuang P, Gao B. Identification of a new potential Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum photeinocarpum by soil seed bank-metal concentration gradient method. Journal of Hazardous Materials 189: 414–419. 2011.
29、Zhang XF, Xia HP, Li ZA. Potential of four forage grasses in remediation of Cd and Zn contaminated soils Bioresource Technology, 101: 2063-2066. 2010.
30、Wang FM, Zhu WX,Xia HP, Fu SL, Li ZA*. Nitrogen mineralization and leaching in the early stages of a subtropical afforestation in southern China. Restoration Ecology. 18:313-322. 2010.
31、Wang FM, Li ZA*, Xia HP, Zou B, Liu J, Zhu WX. Effects of N-fixing and none-N-fixing tree species on soil properties and N transformation during forest restoration in south China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 56, 297–306. 2010.
32、Xia HP, Zhang XF, Li ZA, Lu XQ, Fu SL. Physiological and cellular ultrastructure responses for three grass species under submergence. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 47(2): 100-110. 2009.
33、Li NY, Li ZA*, Zhuang P, Zou Bi, McBride Murray, Cadmium uptake from soil by maize with intercrops. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 199 (1-4): 45-56. 2009.
34、Zhuang P, McBride Murray, Xia HP, Li NY, Li ZA*. Health risk from heavy metals via consumption of food crops in the vicinity of Dabaoshan mine, South China. Science of the Total Environment. 407: 1551-1561. 2009.
35、Zhuang P, Shu WS, Li ZA, Liao B, Li JT, Shao JS. Removal of metals by sorghum plants from contaminated land. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21(10): 1432-1437. 2009.
36、Zhuang P, Zou B, Li NY, Li ZA*. Heavy metal contamination in soils and food crops around Dabaoshan mine in Guangdong, China: Implication for human health. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 31(6):707-715. 2009.
37、Huang J, Xia HP, Li ZA, Xiong YM, Kong GH. Soil aluminum uptake and accumulation by Paspalum notatum. Waste Management & Research, 27: 668-675. 2009.
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